frequently asked questions

Is my gift to United Way of Greater Houston tax-deductible?

How can I get referrals to services offered by United Way?

Who can I contact if I want to change my pledge or have questions about my pledge?

When will I get a tax receipt

What is the Workplace Giving Campaign?

Does my company match my contribution to United Way of Greater Houston?

When will United Way receive my contribution made through payroll deduction?

How will my gift be used by United Way of Greater Houston

Is my gift to United Way of Greater Houston tax-deductible?

Your United Way gift is deductible on Schedule A of Form 1040 if you choose to itemize deductions. Please consult your tax advisor regarding IRS rules that may apply in your individual situation.

How can I get referrals to services offered by United Way?

If you need help, contact our 211 Texas/United Way HELPLINE anytime, 24/7/365. You can connect with 211 by phone: dial 211 or 877-841-7905, by emailing, by live chat, or by texting your zip code to 898211.

Who can I contact if I want to change my pledge or have questions about my pledge?

If you need help, please email and they will respond to your questions.

When will I get a tax receipt?

Tax receipts for all gifts made throughout the year totaling $250 or more will mailed the last week of January for the preceding tax year. If you prefer not to wait, a year-end paystub or Form W-2 showing your annual contribution can instead be used to satisfy IRS requirements for claiming charitable contributions

What is the Workplace Giving Campaign?

The workplace giving campaign is an employee driven annual charitable campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to support the mission of United Way of Greater Houston in efforts to provide services that sustain communities through charitable financial donations from our employee population.

Does my company match my contribution to United Way of Greater Houston?

Your company may match a portion of your contribution.  Please consult your Campaign Coordinator or HR department to determine whether a matching program will be used for your campaign.

When will United Way receive my contribution made through payroll deduction?

Typically, distributions for the 2022-2023 Work Place Giving Campaign will be processed at the end of the campaign and before the fiscal year end.

How will my gift be used by United Way of Greater Houston

Your gift to United Way of Greater Houston helps people in our community land on their feet and stay there through programs focused on financial stability, early childhood and youth development, and physical and behavioral health care. These programs are supported by a foundation of basic needs assistance and help for those escaping violence. For families and individuals who are ready, our individualized approach includes navigators to guide them as they access multiple services on their unique journey to financial stability. United Way also connects our neighbors with help, hope, and critical resources 24/7/365 through the 211 Texas/United Way HELPLINE.

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